Tokyo Print Kobo

The Japanese souvenir shop at TokyoTower on 2nd floor in front of 2-3nd escalator.
We sell a lot of Japanese desgin T-shirts, TokyoTower, Kanji, Geisha, Ninja, kids size to super big size. 
Magnets, keychains, Japan-made pouch, wallet, earrings with better price are attracting your heart.  The Godzilla t-shirts are the most good selling in this shop as a charactor products. It rolls out new design several times in a year. We catch up with the trend. 
Robin Ruth brand Tokyo design and Japan design are on sale. Bags, backpacks, sandals in summer season, beanie in winter, especially caps are popular for tourist from all over the world.
Don't miss any chance of  "Get the Japanese souvenir " here.
We Tokyoprintkobo welcome the tourists every single day. 
Thank you.     
Business Hours
9:00 am - 10:00 pm


Official site
Wechant : tokyoprintkobo

Tokyo Tower souvenirs
Tokyo Tower souvenirs
Tokyo Tower T-shirts
Tokyo Tower T-shirts